
Marketing At Scale

The digital landscape is changing fast - what does that mean for you as an online business owner? With actionable insights and practical guides within AI, marketing and tech, Marketing At Scale helps you upskill in AI, marketing and tech – in simple and practical terms. Written by Ylva - full stack marketer with 10+ years of marketing experience.

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🦾 Why AI in marketing is more than just a hype

Hi friend 👋 Welcome to another edition of Marketing At Scale, where I provide actionable insights and practical guides within marketing and tech – that can all be consumed in your coffee break! As you might have noticed, Marketing At Scale took a hiatus over the summer. Apart from spending some much needed quality time offline with family and friends, I’ve also moved across the world! In July, me and my family left Bali - where we had been living for about a year - to return to our home...

Hi friend 👋 Welcome to another edition of Marketing At Scale, where I provide actionable insights and practical guides within marketing and tech – that can all be consumed in your coffee break! I’m a millennial born in the late 80’s and it’s so fascinating to me to look back on how much technology and marketing has changed during my lifetime. The Internet, smartphones, and social media are just a few examples of innovations that have completely transformed how we interact, how we buy and how...

Hi friend 👋 Welcome to another edition of Marketing At Scale, where we provide actionable insights and practical guides within marketing and tech - that can all be consumed in your coffee break! One of my favorite tech quotes, also known as Amara’s law, is this: “We tend to overestimate the effect of a technology in the short run and underestimate the effect in the long run.” This quote reminds us to consider the broader context and timeline when predicting technological advancements,...

Hi friend 👋 Welcome to another edition of Marketing At Scale, where we provide actionable insights and practical guides within marketing and tech - that can all be consumed in your coffee break! If you’re feeling overwhelmed and struggling to keep up with the ever-evolving digital landscape - I can assure you that you’re not alone… But don’t worry, it’s never too late to start exploring how to use AI to streamline your business! In fact, a great, beginner-friendly tool that you can get...

Hi friend 👋 Welcome to another edition of Marketing At Scale, where we provide actionable insights and practical guides within marketing and tech - that can all be consumed in your coffee break! Today on March 8th we observe International Women's Day. I deliberately choose not to say celebrate, because although International Women’s Day is a day to recognize the achievements of women in terms of equal rights, this day also serves as a reminder of the fact that we, in 2024, still have a long...

Hi friend 👋 Welcome to another edition of Marketing At Scale, where I provide actionable insights and practical guides within marketing and tech - that can all be consumed in your coffee break! AI is everywhere, and I think we can safely say it’s not going anywhere. To be able to keep up with the changing digital landscape, you need to be looking into utilizing AI tools where it makes sense for your business. But how do you actually go about incorporating AI into your workflow? In this issue,...

Hi friend 👋 Welcome to another edition of Marketing At Scale, where we provide actionable insights and practical guides within marketing and tech - that can all be consumed in your coffee break! Today we’re taking a closer look at ChatGPT. This powerhouse of an AI tool has truly transformed how we approach tasks in work and life. Yet, many of us, myself included, barely scratch the surface of what this AI tool can do for us. In this edition, we’ll be exploring some of the lesser-known use...

Hi friend 👋 I hope you had a nice and relaxing holiday season and a great start to the new year! This year I got to welcome the new year in Sydney. Our family traveled around Australia for 3 weeks and we made sure not to miss the world-famous Sydney fireworks on New Year's Eve. This and feeding kangaroos were among the top highlights of the trip! Speaking of the new year, in this issue we’ll explore what’s in store for us in 2024 when it comes to tech and marketing. While 2023 is considered...

Hi friend 👋 As the holidays approach and the year draws to a close, I hope you are starting to shift into a slower pace and perhaps considering taking a well-deserved break. The holiday season is a perfect time for reflection when we can reassess our goals and recharge, both mentally and physically, for the upcoming challenges of the new year. Personally, I’m gearing up for a vacation with my family in Australia, but before that we are celebrating Christmas here in Bali. Coming from Europe...

Hi friend 👋 The holiday season is drawing closer and I’m sure you are busy wrapping up client projects, securing new projects for the upcoming year, and preparing for the holidays – however you choose to celebrate. But I can assure you, you don’t want to miss what I’m dropping in this newsletter. Today I’m going to share something that I have been working on for a while. A free resource to help you navigate the sea of AI tools out there. Presenting - the ultimate list of AI marketing tools...