🦾 ChatGPT use cases for work and life - that you’ve probably never heard of

Hi friend 👋

Welcome to another edition of Marketing At Scale, where we provide actionable insights and practical guides within marketing and tech - that can all be consumed in your coffee break!

Today we’re taking a closer look at ChatGPT. This powerhouse of an AI tool has truly transformed how we approach tasks in work and life. Yet, many of us, myself included, barely scratch the surface of what this AI tool can do for us. In this edition, we’ll be exploring some of the lesser-known use cases of ChatGPT – for both work and life.

In this issue:

✅ Tech tip: ChatGPT use cases that you’ve probably never heard of

✅ Say what?! This AI statistic will blow your mind

✅ In case you missed it – must-see tech headlines for freelancers

Let's dive in 🏊‍♀️

👀 Tech tip

ChatGPT use cases for work and life – that you’ve probably never heard of

Ever since its launch in late 2022, ChatGPT has truly transformed how we approach tasks in our work and life. I don’t know about you, but I use ChatGPT on a daily basis, mainly for research, brainstorming, and looking up synonyms for different words. But, when it comes to ChatGPT -“There’s no end to the possibilities!” (to quote Jim Carrey in the 1996 movie The Cable Guy).

Seeking inspiration, I dove into YouTube to find innovative use cases for ChatGPT. Here's a collection of some that stood out to me – including some powerful hacks!

High-impact ChatGPT use cases for work

ChatGPT isn't just useful for answering your quick queries; it's a multifaceted tool that can handle so much more than just straightforward Q&A. Have you considered using ChatGPT for these high-impact applications?

Write a high-quality project brief

Creating a project brief is an essential, but often tedious, part of kicking off a client project. But with ChatGPT, this task becomes a breeze. Just provide the model with key details like the project's purpose, goals, and a basic timeline. ChatGPT will then take these bits of information and turn them into a well-structured project brief.

Example Prompt: "I'm working on a new website project for a client. The goal is to create a user-friendly, visually appealing site that aligns with the client's brand. The project needs to be completed in three months. Can you help me draft a comprehensive project brief?"

Create a stellar presentation

What sets a stellar presentation apart from a ‘meh’ presentation is the ability to bridge the gap between your content and the audience's interests. To capture and keep your audience’s interest, your content needs to be interesting, relevant, and preferably tell a story. Sounds like a lot of work, right? Well, here’s where GhatGPT can be a huge help.

Simply tell ChatGPT what type of presentation you are creating, the purpose and intended outcome of your presentation, as well as the intended audience and what they are most interested in. Also, ask ChatGPT to connect the dots between the material you need to present and what your audience is most interested in.

Example prompt: "I'm a marketer preparing a presentation on launching a new website project. The audience is my company's leadership team. The goal is to get their buy-in and support. The presentation should highlight the website's potential impact on our brand and customer engagement. Can you help me structure this presentation to captivate and persuade our leadership team?"

By leveraging ChatGPT in these ways, you can transform routine tasks into opportunities for innovation and efficiency.

Shout out to Jeff Zu on YouTube - watch the full video here

Powerful ChatGPT Plugins

ChatGPT plugins are additional ChatGPT features that enhance its capabilities when it comes to specific tasks. Here are some examples of powerful plugins you should try!

ChatGPT Summary for Chrome: This plugin is a Time-saver with a capital T. It provides instant summaries of articles, videos, and more, right in your browser. Perfect for quick information digestion without the need for deep diving into every source. Access the ChatGPT summary for Chrome here.

Meme Creator: Unleash your creative side with the Meme Creator plugin. It allows you to craft original memes based on your input, which you can then download and share. I’m personally using this to create memes for Marketing At Scale – it’s a blast and a breeze! Available inside ChatGPT (plus users only).

Diagr.am: This plugin is a visual storyteller's dream. Generate bars and charts effortlessly with Diagr.am, and then incorporate them into presentations or project reports. It simplifies data visualization, making your information more digestible and engaging. Available inside ChatGPT (plus users only).

Shout out to Hayls World on YouTube - watch the full video here

ChatGPT use cases for life

While ChatGPT is an exceptional work tool, its potential to enhance our daily lives is often overlooked. Here are some creative ways to use ChatGPT that could save you time and energy in the “life” category.

Personal Assistant - let ChatGPT help you with daily life tasks!

Think of ChatGPT as your digital personal assistant, ready to help with a variety of daily tasks. This can range from organizing your schedule and setting reminders for important events, to even drafting emails or messages for you. The possibilities are vast and can significantly streamline your day-to-day activities.

Mentor - use ChatGPT as your personal mentor for anything you want to learn

ChatGPT can serve as a personalized mentor for any new skill you're looking to master. For example, if you're interested in graphic design, provide ChatGPT with details about your current skill level, why you're learning this skill, your available time frame, and how much time you can dedicate weekly. ChatGPT can then create a customized learning curriculum, tailored specifically to your needs and goals.

Travel Planner - create a custom itinerary for your next vacation

Love traveling but dread the planning? ChatGPT can assist in brainstorming and creating a custom travel itinerary for your chosen destination, taking into account your preferences, interests, and budget. Just let ChatGPT know your destination, travel dates, interests, and budget constraints. Then watch ChatGPT handle the rest - from suggesting must-see sights and fun activities to outlining a day-to-day itinerary.

Example Prompt: "I'm planning a 7-day trip to Italy with a focus on cultural experiences and local cuisine. My budget is moderate, and I prefer a mix of popular sites and off-the-beaten-path experiences. Can you help me create an itinerary?"

Meal Planning and Recipe Creation

I don’t know about you, but I spend sooo much time meal planning for our family every week. But I’m going to let ChatGPT ease the burden from now on! Let ChatGPT in on your dietary preferences, any nutritional goals, the time you have for meal preparation, and your budget. ChatGPT can suggest a variety of recipes, craft a weekly meal plan, and even generate a shopping list. This not only saves time but also introduces new and exciting dishes to your routine.

Example Prompt: "I need a weekly meal plan for a family of four. We're seeking nutritious meals that are quick to prepare on busy weeknights. Our budget is moderate, and we want to use seasonal ingredients. Include a variety of meals with a balance of proteins, vegetables, and grains, that are kid-friendly as well. Please incorporate meals that use overlapping ingredients to minimize waste and maximize efficiency in shopping and cooking. Please also create full recipes for each meal.”

Shout out to Charlie Chang on YouTube - watch the full video here

By integrating ChatGPT into these aspects of your personal life, you can streamline your daily routine, learn new skills, plan exciting trips, and even spice up your meals!

💬 Do you have any other ChatGPT use cases or hacks to share? Hit reply and let me know!

🤯 Say what?!

By 2025, AI might eliminate 85 million jobs but create 97 million new ones, resulting in a net gain of 12 million jobs.

Considering that one-third of the jobs we have today didn't even exist 25 years ago, this pattern of transformation suggests a dynamic evolution of the job market where emerging technologies, including AI, play a pivotal role in creating new employment opportunities and career paths. This ongoing change highlights the importance of reskilling and upskilling, to prepare for future job roles. Read more.

📢 In case you missed it

Must-see tech headlines for freelancers

Tech layoffs set to continue in 2024 despite tug-of-war for AI talent

Recent layoffs in major tech companies like Google, Amazon, and YouTube have stirred the industry, with Google alone laying off over 1,000 employees across various departments. Despite these layoffs, there's a tug-of-war for top AI researchers, indicating a surge in demand for AI expertise. This scenario highlights the increasing importance of AI skills in the current job market, especially for freelancers​​. Read more.

The Rise of Fractional Work: The tech industry is witnessing a shift towards fractional or part-time project-based freelance work. With more than 190,000 workers laid off in US-based tech companies during 2023, and the average unemployment period nearing five months, many are turning to freelance or fractional work for income. This trend is expected to grow, with projections suggesting that freelancers could comprise over 50% of the total US workforce by 2027​​. Read more.

'AI' Dominates Corporate Earnings Calls: AI continues to be a central theme in earnings conference calls of tech giants like Microsoft and Alphabet. This emphasis on AI across various industries underscores its growing influence and the need for freelancers to adapt and upskill in AI-related domains to stay relevant and competitive​​. Read more.

🥳 Just for fun

That’s it for this edition!

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Marketing At Scale

The digital landscape is changing fast - what does that mean for you as an online business owner? With actionable insights and practical guides within AI, marketing and tech, Marketing At Scale helps you upskill in AI, marketing and tech – in simple and practical terms. Written by Ylva - full stack marketer with 10+ years of marketing experience.

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