🦾 6 tech and marketing trends for 2024 (PLUS actionable steps!)

Hi friend 👋

I hope you had a nice and relaxing holiday season and a great start to the new year!

This year I got to welcome the new year in Sydney. Our family traveled around Australia for 3 weeks and we made sure not to miss the world-famous Sydney fireworks on New Year's Eve. This and feeding kangaroos were among the top highlights of the trip!

Speaking of the new year, in this issue we’ll explore what’s in store for us in 2024 when it comes to tech and marketing. While 2023 is considered “Generative AI’s breakout year”, generative AI is still evolving at lightning speed and will certainly be shaping 2024 as well.

In this week’s Deep Dive, where we’re listing 6 tech and marketing trends you need to be ready for in 2024. But we’re not just giving you the generic trends list, we are also giving you actionable steps for each trend.

In this issue:

✅Deep dive: 6 tech and marketing trends for 2024

✅Tech tip: What AI can and can’t do for marketers

✅In case you missed it – must-see tech headlines for freelancers

Let's dive in 🏊‍♀️

🔎 Deep dive

6 tech and marketing trends for 2024

In the fast-paced world of marketing, it's crucial to stay up to date on where the industry is headed. As freelancers, we often have the upper hand in adapting to new marketing trends quickly, thanks to our agility and flexibility. So, let's dive into the tech and marketing trends of 2024 that are reshaping our industry. More importantly, I’ll show you how to start leveraging these trends right away to stay ahead of the game in 2024. For each trend listed, I’ve included a few actionable next steps for each trend. Ready? Let’s go!

1. Generative AI in Marketing

AI isn't just a buzzword anymore; it's a game changer in content creation and customer engagement. Tools like ChatGPT are revolutionizing the way we approach marketing. A study by OpenAI shows that AI can enhance productivity by up to 40% in creative tasks! For us freelancers, this means more time to focus on strategy and client relationships and less time on mundane, repetitive tasks.

⚡Actionable Steps:

Experiment with AI tools: Start using AI tools like ChatGPT for content ideas, research, and brainstorming.

Automate repetitive tasks: Identify repetitive tasks in your workflow that AI can automate, like data analysis or email responses.

Creative content generation: Use AI for generating initial drafts of blog posts, social media content, or marketing copy. But make sure to edit your content so that it reflects the right tone of voice and has that vital human touch.

2. Voice Search Optimization: Talk the Talk

With more people chatting with Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant, voice search is skyrocketing. Statista reports a whopping 8.4 billion voice assistants will be in use by 2024! What does this mean? It's time to optimize our content for those conversational queries. Think about questions your audience might ask and weave them into your content. It's not just about keywords anymore; it's about natural language.

⚡Actionable Steps:

Optimize for questions: Craft content that directly answers common questions in your niche.

Use conversational language: Incorporate a natural, conversational tone in your content to match voice search queries.

3. AR in Marketing: Bring Ideas to Life

Augmented Reality (AR) is not just for gamers; it can also be a powerful marketing tool. AR brings products to life right before the customers' eyes. According to a report by ARtillery Intelligence, AR advertising revenue is expected to hit $8 billion by 2024. Accessible tools like Spark AR from Facebook are making it easier for us freelancers to jump on this trend. Imagine creating immersive experiences for your clients' audiences right from your laptop!

⚡Actionable Steps:

Explore AR platforms: Familiarize yourself with AR tools like Spark AR to create interactive marketing campaigns.

Prototype AR experiences: Develop simple AR experiences related to your client’s services or products.

Stay informed on VR/AR trends: Keep up with the latest developments in VR/AR to offer cutting-edge solutions to clients.

4. Video Marketing

Video marketing in the form of short-form videos, live streaming, and interactive content is on the rise. By embracing the growing trend of video marketing, you will have a competitive advantage and be able to communicate your brand message more engagingly. Consequently, the demand from clients for video marketing services is surging, so upskilling in video marketing can be a strategic move for any freelancer looking to stay ahead in the market.

⚡Actionable Steps:

Learn video editing: Enhance your skills in video editing and production.

Explore different formats: Experiment with short-form videos, live streaming, and interactive content for various platforms.

Storytelling through video: Focus on storytelling in your videos to create engaging and memorable content.

5. Social Commerce

Social media sites are turning more and more into places where people can shop, and it's really changing how we buy things online. Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok are going to be at the forefront, adding cooler shopping features for everyone to use. We're talking about making shopping smoother, finding products easier, having more immersive experiences, and using what others say about products to help us decide what to buy. Businesses that get on board with these shifts can make the most out of online shopping, connecting with their customers in a way that turns likes and follows into actual sales.

⚡Actionable Steps:

Integrate e-commerce in social media: Learn how to set up and manage shop features on platforms like Instagram and Facebook.

Create shoppable content: Develop content that directly links to product pages or integrates shopping features.

Stay updated on platform features: Regularly update your knowledge of new e-commerce features on major social media platforms.

6. Sustainability And Purpose-Driven Marketing

People are starting to spend their money on brands that are sustainable and ethical. According to a Nielsen report, a whopping 73% of consumers around the world are ready to switch up how they shop to help the environment. As people get more and more concerned about the planet, they're looking for brands that share their values. For businesses to hit it big, they need to get behind sustainable and meaningful marketing – and it's got to be real, not just for show. This is an important trend to keep your eye on, especially on behalf of your clients. Help them showcase their commitment to sustainability in their marketing activities.

So, there you have it – the marketing and tech trends of 2024 that are shaping our world of freelancing. Let's embrace these technologies, stay ahead of the curve, and keep delivering fantastic results for our clients!

💬Which trend are you most excited about? Hit reply and let me know!

👀 Tech tips

What AI can and can’t do for marketers

While there are some powerful AI tools out there, they still need talented marketers in the driver’s seat to be effective. In an article published by Google on Think with Google, they list a few examples of what AI can and can’t do for marketers:

1. AI CAN’T see the big picture for your organization, but AI CAN help your brand show up in smarter ways

AI can't quite get the whole picture of a company's big goals and plans, since it's just really working off data-driven insights and algorithms. But, it's extremely useful for boosting brand presence, especially when it comes to fine-tuning your marketing activities, such as targeted advertising and personalized content. By using the right AI tools in the right way, your message can get out there more effectively.

2. AI CAN’T be creative like you, but AI CAN multiply your creativity

AI doesn't have the innate creativity that you bring to the table, lacking the ability to generate original ideas or think outside the box like a human can. However, it can take your creative concepts and scale them up, applying them in various ways across different platforms and audiences, effectively amplifying the reach and impact of your creative efforts. By strategically using AI tools, you can spend less time on execution and optimization, and more time unleashing your creative potential and refining the quality of your storytelling.

3. AI CAN’T empathize with people, but AI CAN help build customer trust

AI lacks the human ability to empathize and understand emotions in the nuanced way people do, which is crucial in forming deep, emotional connections with customers. However, it can assist in building customer trust by consistently providing personalized experiences and reliable background information and data, making interactions with your brand more efficient and tailored to individual needs.

The writers conclude (and I fully agree) that your role as a marketer is more critical than ever. It is your thinking, your creativity, and your empathy that will power the AI tools used in your business, and make them work FOR you.

Read the full article on Think with Google.

📢 In case you missed it

Must-see tech headlines for freelancers

AI fever takes over the World Economic Forum in Davos pushing crypto aside as the new cool kid on the block

For the last few years at the World Economic Forum cryptocurrency firms dominated the main strip in Davos, promoting their wares. But in 2024, artificial intelligence has taken over. This shift underscores the rapid rise in AI investments and interest last year, sparked by the explosion of popularity of ChatGPT. Read more.

OpenAI launches ChatGPT team plan – aimed at small teams

ChatGPT’s new team plan provides a dedicated workspace for teams of up to 149 people using ChatGPT, as well as admin tools for team management. Read more.

The AI phones are coming

The era of AI on our phones is upon us, and it’s Samsung’s turn to show us a vision for the future. Read more.

🥳 Just for fun

That’s it for this edition!

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Marketing At Scale

The digital landscape is changing fast - what does that mean for you as an online business owner? With actionable insights and practical guides within AI, marketing and tech, Marketing At Scale helps you upskill in AI, marketing and tech – in simple and practical terms. Written by Ylva - full stack marketer with 10+ years of marketing experience.

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