🦾 Why AI in marketing is more than just a hype

Hi friend 👋

Welcome to another edition of Marketing At Scale, where I provide actionable insights and practical guides within marketing and tech – that can all be consumed in your coffee break!

As you might have noticed, Marketing At Scale took a hiatus over the summer. Apart from spending some much needed quality time offline with family and friends, I’ve also moved across the world! In July, me and my family left Bali - where we had been living for about a year - to return to our home country Sweden. It’s nice to be back home with friends and family but - not gonna lie - I already miss the tropical climate! If you’re curious about the transition from life in Asia to life in Northern Europe you can follow me on Instagram @ylvapredan

I’m happy and humbled to see so many new subscribers since my last issue. If you are new here, welcome!

You’re probably here because you see that AI in marketing is more than just a hype - and you understand that it’s critical to upkill in AI in order to keep up in the fast paced digital landscape. In this issue, we’re taking a closer look at exactly that…

In this issue:

✅ Deep dive: Why AI in marketing is more than just a hype

✅ Tech Tip – “YouTube University”: 5 accounts to follow in marketing and tech

✅ In case you missed it – Must-see tech headlines

Let's dive in 🏊‍♀️

🔎 Deep dive

Why AI in Marketing is More Than Just a Hype

Feeling like AI is everywhere these days? You’re not alone. A lot of online business owners are wondering, "Is AI just another trend, or is it something I need to invest in now?" Well, here’s the deal: AI is a game-changing tool that’s here to stay. If you’ve been on the fence about diving into AI, now’s the perfect time to jump in. AI has the power to completely transform your marketing and give your business the boost it needs in this digital age. So, let’s dig into why AI in marketing is more than just hype and how you can start using it to your advantage right now.

AI as a Fundamental Driver of Change

AI isn’t just a tool for making current processes more efficient—it’s a fundamental driver of change. As AI continues to evolve, it will play an increasingly important role in how businesses operate, particularly in marketing. AI has the potential to transform everything from customer engagement to data analysis, making it an essential part of any forward-thinking business strategy.

Here’s why integrating AI into your online business can be a game-changer, from saving you time to unlocking new creative possibilities:

Frees Up Time for Critical Thinking and Creativity

One of the biggest advantages of incorporating AI into your marketing strategy is the amount of time it can save you. AI tools can handle a lot of the heavy lifting when it comes to routine tasks—think email marketing, social media scheduling, or data analysis. By automating these time-consuming processes, you free up more time to focus on what really matters: thinking strategically and creatively about your business.

For example, instead of spending hours analyzing website traffic data, an AI tool can do that in seconds, providing you with actionable insights. With those insights at hand, you can focus on crafting a marketing strategy that speaks directly to your audience's needs. AI doesn’t just automate; it frees up your time, allowing you to creatively work ON your business instead of working with repetitive tasks IN your business.

A Creative Game-Changer

AI isn’t just about efficiency; it’s also a creative powerhouse. Tools like generative AI can help you brainstorm new ideas, create content, and even design marketing campaigns. Whether it’s generating catchy email subject lines, creating social media posts, or even designing logos, AI can provide inspiration and help you push the boundaries of your creativity.

Take ChatGPT for example—a tool that can generate content ideas or even draft entire blog posts. Or consider tools like Canva, which now integrates AI to help you create stunning visuals in a fraction of the time. These tools empower you to create high-quality content quickly, allowing you to maintain a consistent presence online without sacrificing creativity.

Low Barrier to Entry

The best part? You don’t need to be a tech genius to start using AI in your marketing. Today’s top marketing tools are increasingly integrating AI functionality, making these technologies accessible to everyone, regardless of their technical expertise. Whether you’re using platforms like HubSpot, which offers AI-driven customer insights, or social media schedulers like Buffer that use AI to optimize posting times, integrating AI into your marketing efforts has never been easier.

These tools are designed to be user-friendly, with AI working behind the scenes to enhance your marketing efforts. This means you can start benefiting from AI right away, without needing to invest a lot of time or money into learning new software or techniques.

It’s Not Too Late to Be Early in AI

Worried you’ve missed the AI train? Don’t worry, you haven’t. We’re still in the early stages of AI’s integration into marketing, which means there’s plenty of time to get on board and start experimenting with these tools. In fact, by adopting AI now, you’re positioning your business to stay ahead of the curve as AI continues to evolve and become even more integral to marketing strategies.

The Importance of the Human Touch

While AI can take over many routine and analytical tasks, the human element in marketing is more critical than ever. As AI-generated content floods the internet, standing out requires a personal touch. Your brand voice is what really connects with people, and that’s something AI just can’t replicate.

Think of AI as a tool to enhance your work, not replace it. Use AI to draw inspiration, but always add your own unique voice to ensure that your messaging stays true to your brand. For example, you might use AI to generate ideas for a marketing campaign, but the final execution—how you tell your story and connect with your audience—should come from you. In an era of generic AI content, authenticity and human connection are what will set your brand apart.

The future of AI in marketing isn’t about replacing humans with machines; it’s about creating a symbiotic relationship where AI and humans work together. AI can handle the data and automation, while humans bring creativity, intuition, and emotional intelligence to the table. Together, this collaboration will shape the future of the marketing industry, making it more powerful and effective while preserving the human touch that truly resonates with people.

So why not start today? Explore a new AI tool, integrate it into your marketing strategy, and watch how it transforms your business.

​​👉If you’re not sure where to start, I have a free resource called AI Marketing Tools - a carefully curated list of the marketing tools you should be looking into. It includes the key features of each tool, practical use case examples and short video tutorials for each tool. Check out AI Marketing Tools here.

👀 Tech tips

YouTube University - 5 Accounts to Follow in Marketing and Tech

Ever heard of "YouTube University"? It's a playful term to describe the endless learning opportunities available on YouTube. Whether you’re looking to pick up a new skill, stay updated on industry trends, or dive deep into a niche topic, YouTube has become a go-to resource for just about everything—including marketing and tech. The best part? It’s all free, and you can learn at your own pace.

Here are 5 of my favorite accounts to follow to level up in marketing and tech.

1. School of Bots

Focus: AI chatbots, conversational marketing, and automation.

Why Follow: Natasha Takahashi is a leading expert in chatbot marketing. Her channel, School of Bots, provides comprehensive guides on how to use AI-powered chatbots to enhance customer engagement, automate marketing processes, and drive conversions. If you’re interested in leveraging chatbots to streamline your marketing efforts, this channel is a must-follow.

School of Bots on YouTube

2. Modern Millie

Focus: Social media strategy, influencer marketing, and personal branding.

Why Follow: Millie Adrian, known as Modern Millie, breaks down social media strategies in a way that’s easy to understand and implement. Her videos are packed with actionable tips on growing your social media presence, building a personal brand, and using platforms like Instagram and TikTok effectively. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned marketer, Millie’s content will help you up your social media game.

Modern Millie on YouTube

3. Natalia Kalinska

Focus: Digital marketing, SEO, and content strategy.

Why Follow: Natalia Kalinska offers a wealth of knowledge on digital marketing, with a special focus on SEO and content strategy. Her channel is ideal for those looking to improve their website’s search engine ranking, create compelling content, and drive organic traffic. Natalia’s step-by-step tutorials and in-depth explanations make complex topics approachable and actionable.

Natalia Kalinska on YouTube

4. Hayl’s World

Focus: Tech tutorials, app reviews, and digital tools.

Why Follow: Hayleigh Chamberlain, the face behind Hayl’s World, makes learning about tech fun and accessible. Her channel features a wide range of tech tutorials, from app reviews to digital tool overviews, all designed to help you get the most out of the technology you use every day. If you’re looking to stay updated on the latest tech trends or find new tools to enhance your workflow, Hayl’s World is the place to be.

Hayl’s World on YouTube

5. The AI Advantage

Focus: Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, and AI applications in business.

Why Follow: The AI Advantage is my go-to channel for staying on top of the latest AI developments. The AI Advantage breaks down complex concepts into digestible videos, making it easier for anyone to start incorporating AI into their strategy.

The AI Advantage on YouTube

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to expand your expertise, "YouTube University" has you covered. These channels are great resources for anyone looking to upskill in marketing and tech. So grab your notebook and start leveling up today!


📢 In case you missed it

Must-see tech headlines for freelancers

Europe now has a huge AI gap, for better or for worse

With the AI Act in place, AI features will most likely be trickling into the EU very, very slowly. Learn more

Andreessen Horowitz (a16z) published a list of the 100 most-used AI apps.

Which AI apps are people actually using? Which behaviors and categories are gaining traction among consumers? And which AI apps are people returning to, versus dabbling and dropping? This list by a16z covers it all. Learn more

Ranking – which countries use ChatGPT the most?

Can you guess what country has the hightest percentage of people using ChatGPT? Visualization of the percentage of consumers using ChatGPT in various countries around the world, as well as insights to how ChatGPT is used. Learn more

Instagram is adding a Myspace-like ‘song on profile’ feature

A new feature on Instagram will allow users to add a song on their profile — much like Myspace in the early 2000s. Learn more

🥳 Just for fun

That’s it for this edition!

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Marketing At Scale

The digital landscape is changing fast - what does that mean for you as an online business owner? With actionable insights and practical guides within AI, marketing and tech, Marketing At Scale helps you upskill in AI, marketing and tech – in simple and practical terms. Written by Ylva - full stack marketer with 10+ years of marketing experience.

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Hi friend 👋 Welcome to another edition of Marketing At Scale, where I provide actionable insights and practical guides within marketing and tech – that can all be consumed in your coffee break! I’m a millennial born in the late 80’s and it’s so fascinating to me to look back on how much technology and marketing has changed during my lifetime. The Internet, smartphones, and social media are just a few examples of innovations that have completely transformed how we interact, how we buy and how...

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Hi friend 👋 Welcome to another edition of Marketing At Scale, where we provide actionable insights and practical guides within marketing and tech - that can all be consumed in your coffee break! If you’re feeling overwhelmed and struggling to keep up with the ever-evolving digital landscape - I can assure you that you’re not alone… But don’t worry, it’s never too late to start exploring how to use AI to streamline your business! In fact, a great, beginner-friendly tool that you can get...